EU freedom of movement

EU citizens have a right to freedom of movement in the Member States of the European Union.
The law on freedom of movement (FreizügG/EU) regulates the residence of EU citizens and their family members and close relatives who make use of their right to freedom of movement in Germany.
The law on the free movement offers several possibilities, particularly in the context of the reunification of family members and close persons, which go beyond the constellations regulated by the Residence Act (AufenthG).

We advise on all constellations of the law on freedom of movement and possible rights arising from the withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immigration & Citizenship

EU freedom of movement

EU citizens have a right to freedom of movement in the Member States of the European Union.
The law on freedom of movement (FreizügG/EU) regulates the residence of EU citizens and their family members and close relatives who make use of their right to freedom of movement in Germany.
The law on the free movement offers several possibilities, particularly in the context of the reunification of family members and close persons, which go beyond the constellations regulated by the Residence Act (AufenthG).

We advise on all constellations of the law on freedom of movement and possible rights arising from the withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immigration & Citizenship